It is important to create simple guidelines for staff members regarding what is appropriate to post, an overview of privacy and legal issues, and general rules about using social media during office hours. These guidelines should address the following:

  • Outline the tone of your organization's social media content. It is essential to remain professional, accurate, and respectful but also personable and accessible. Be prepared to accept and respond to comments. Understand that some comments may not be positive, and respond to negative comments professionally by providing additional information that may help resolve the issue.
  • What is the frequency of social media messages? This will depend on the channel and what content your organization has to use. Keeping a calendar of important campaigns and dates is an easy way to organize your organization's social media efforts.
  • One of the great benefits of social media is sharing information almost instantly with a global audience. This timeliness is also one of the expectations of the audience. Set guidelines as to when staff must respond to user comments and questions, both during and outside office hours. There will be exceptions to this timeframe, as some comments may require immediate response.
  • Social media requires that your organization follow and engage other similar global health and development agencies. This engagement allows your organization to participate in global conversations. Set guidelines on who your organization will not follow or endorse, such as politicians, vendors, and advertisements for other companies.
Most social media channels allow you to select your username and an avatar. Your organization will want to have the same name and a consistent look and feel across all social media channels, otherwise known as branding.
Zuletzt geändert: Samstag, 15. Oktober 2022, 12:56