One of the first considerations for an organization or project is to develop a social media strategy. This will help determine how involved they will be in social media and the expected outputs. Every organization has different needs and different audiences that will impact the development of the strategy.

A well-developed strategy includes the following nine steps:

  1. Goals and objectives to match the communication or dissemination strategy
  2. Identification of audience
  3. Selection of appropriate social media platforms based on goals and audience
  4. Definition of metrics and data collection tools to reach goals and objectives
  5. Content management guidelines for staff
  6. Adoption of a follower policy
  7. Social media budget
  8. Benchmarking
  9. Considerations for maintaining security and privacy

Once the organization or project has a strategy policy in place, it is recommended to review it each year to see if the needs and audiences have changed over time.

Last modified: Saturday, 15 October 2022, 12:47 PM