Implement National Health Workforce Accounts (NHWA)
Consistent with recommendations to "undertake robust research and analysis of health labour markets, using harmonised metrics to strengthen the evidence, accountability, and action" (WHO, 2016c), the National Health Workforce Accounts (NHWA) build on existing HRH information systems (HRHIS), and consider data on population health, as well as data in the education sector and labour market. The NHWA is composed of a set of core indicators organised into modules that can be tracked over time to:
- Generate reliable HRH information for better-informed decision-making;
- Support HRH policy and planning;
- Improve the comparability of the health workforce both nationally and globally;
- Enable research to inform trends and needs for the health workforce and health systems resilience.
The indicators in the NHWA help countries around the globe create evidence-informed policymaking and planning by having comparable standardised information in one place.
Last modified: Friday, 14 October 2022, 12:32 PM