Improve health worker retention

Research has shown that poor working conditions lead to low job satisfaction, which leads, in turn, to high rates of turnover. Keeping a labour-market focus will help policymakers adjust employment incentives as needed in locations where posts are hard to fill, as well as seek ways for the private sector to respond to immediate workforce needs. World Health Organization developed key recommendations on strategies to address HRH maldistribution by improving health workers' attraction, recruitment, and retention to rural, remote, and underserved areas (WHO, 2010).

They are summarised under four types of interventions:

  • Education
  • Regulation
  • Financial incentives
  • Professional and personal support  (WHO, 2010).

While they focus on improving rural retention, the recommendations and lessons could apply to any area with health worker shortages.

Source: WHO, 2010

Last modified: Saturday, 4 February 2023, 4:10 AM