The EHR module will contain the 2.5 hours of individual study as a practical exercise to build up a conceptual integration of the EHR in a hospital. This will be done in interdisciplinary teams of at least 2 students (with different backgrounds, ideally one medical student and one IT/business student). The starting point will be the concept of a hospital that has zero digital technologies, apart from the medical equipment used to perform procedures on patients. The teams will have to include several layers of digitalization, resulting in a total adoption of the EHR in the hospital. This will be done by abiding to the EMRAM framework proposed by HIMSS. The main challenge for the student teams will be to make use of existing IT solutions, readily on the market, and available through individual research.

Therefore, the practical component of this module is to identify appropriate digital solutions that satisfy the functionalities of the EHR, building up a modular digital infrastructure for a hospital and its patients. Once identified, the solutions have to be theoretically synergized, so as to ensure data and flow interoperability within the proposed hospital. In order to choose the correct digital solutions, students will have access to the openly available information concerning the adoption of electronic health records. Resources to be provided to students by teaching staff for the practical exercise.

The pool of digital solutions from which to select appropriate ones can be completely open (therefore requesting students to conduct research on solution viability and feasibility), or it can be closed, where student teams are able to choose from a pre-selected pool of digital solutions in order to achieve EMRAM stage 7 for the conceptual hospital. The exercise is meant to ensure students apply the principles of EHR functionalities and interoperability, while leaving space for creativity in choosing solutions and ways to integrate them. It is possible to allow students to add so-called “connectors”. Where a digital solution is not readily available to satisfy a process within the greater scheme of hospital features and functionalities, teams can conceptualize one and propose it. However, for the sake of the principles of the exercise, this will be limited to a maximum of two connectors per project.

Last modified: Thursday, 3 November 2022, 8:14 AM