Consider the following questions:

  • Does the organization have a mission and programmatic goals? How can social media help the organization meet that mission or increase brand awareness?
  • Does the organization have donors or other stakeholders? How can social media be used to improve or establish relationships with these stakeholders? Will social media be used for fundraising?
  • Does the organization advocate for policy or behavior change? How can social media increase actions or behaviors?
  • Does the organization produce publications and resources on a global health and development topic? How can social media be used to reach different stakeholder groups with the relevant information?

Answers to these questions can guide in developing social media goals. These goals should clearly define what it is hoped to be achieved through social media. Goals are broad principles that guide decision-making. An example would be: To increase brand awareness of my organization in 2022.

Objectives are specific and describe how the determined goals will be reached. If the goal is to increase brand awareness, the objective could be: To increase fans on Facebook by 5% through two awareness campaigns in 2022. In order to be able to measure if the objectives are achieved, they should be SMART.


Figure 4 is conveying what S.M.A.R.T. means.


S stands for Specific - The objective should say who or what is the focus of the effort and what type of change is intended.

M stands for Measurable - The objective should include a verifiable amount or proportion of change expected.

A stands for Achievable - The objective should be feasible and easy to put into action

R stands for Realistic - The objective should include a degree of change that can reasonably be achieved under the given conditions.

T stands for Time-bound - The objective should clearly state the time period for achieving these behavior changes

Zuletzt geändert: Samstag, 4. Februar 2023, 04:03