
  • Learning objectives

    This outcome statement is an official list of the goals for students who take your class.
    Students must know about relevant areas of competence as listed in this unit.

  • Foundational knowledge

    eLearning has become a buzzword and does not have a strict meaning. In this document, the term eLearning means a type of learning conducted digitally via electronic media based on technology and specific devices. This does not include any delivering method nor any pedagogical/andragogical preference.
    However, it should empower the participants to gain insights into the structures of the learning content and, above all, into the structures and processes of the e-learning concept.

  • Lesson plans for the eLearning in Health module

    Lesson Plans

    • Units, or themes, are the main topics that will be covered in this curriculum. (Lorainne Tudor Car, Bhone Myint Kyaw and Rifat Atun The role of eLearning in health management and leadership capacity building in health system: a systematic review)

    • Active Learning means to implement sustained learning.

    • The context to analogies is given with examples from sports (training) and nature (path creating).

      The tasks, exercises and reviews should be formulated as realistic as possible or taken from the practice of the respective subject area. Reflexivity and the ability to discourse are required.

    • Do you know the corkscrew experiment? It is a great approach to demonstrate learning failure!

    • Here are two videos about learning and learning theory.

    • Implement sustained learning

    • The Cornell System as an example of efficiently taken notes.

    • Two examples for application

    • Read about active learning and get quickly-done overview of matching methods.

    • Learn about the benefits of using technology in the learning process as well as identify the obstacles.

    • Technology is not the versatile solution to all problems - but causes difficulties itself.

    • Practical test with various devices enable the understanding of technical problems.

    • Read about multiple devices and develop a feeling for the use of various devices!

    • Learn about principles of multimedia presentations following the cognitive theory of R. Mayer and the evaluation of efficient use of multimedia content.

    • Two proposals for finding analogies and evaluating examples

    • Richard Mayer is currently THE expert in multimedia in learning and training. Check his consideration!

    • The intended end of the learning is the crucial issue in course development. Learn about the "Backward Design".

    • General management processes as a model for the course development.

    • Create a case study!

    • Here are three sources for further reading and deepening the resented items.

  • Appendices

  • Sources